Book list 2012

Book list 2012
Here is the list of Book’s I plan of reading this year. Readers are Leaders. I have asked six men for suggestions and this is them. This is not all that I was suggested by these men but it will keep me busy for 2012. I plan on reading and give a summary of each book in my blog as I go. By reading is the only way I can learn from these men none of them will be able to come to my house and teach me personally and yet I can still can benefit from what the Lord has tought them. It is a mix of personal leadership, marriage, kid raising and ministry related choices.
“You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read.” Charles Jones
  1. Boundries by Cloud and Townsend
  2. Good to Great by Jim Collins
  3. “The Five Love Languages”
  4. Love and Respect  by Emerson Eggerichs
  5. Rhinoceros Success by Scott AlexanderThe Go-Getter
  6. Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money by Daniel Lapin
  7. “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” by Tripp
  8. Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker
  1. 9. “The Disciple-Making Pastor” by Hull
16. Lectures to My Students Charles Haddon Spurgon
17. Master plan of evangelism Robert colman
18. A tale of three kings Gean Edwards
19. Normal Christian life AW Tozer
20. Mentoring for Mission: A Handbook on Leadership Principles Exemplified by Jesus Christ
21. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” by Maxwell
22. “Spiritual Leader” by Chappell
23. First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently [Hardcover]
25.   When I don’t Desire God by John Piper

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