Faith comes in Obedience

Text John 2:1-11
Thought : The servant’s faith was revealed through their obedience despite not understanding.

jesus-changes-water-wine-crafts-800x800Imagine that you were a server in John 2. Jesus is about to perform his first public miracle. To date, Jesus is just the son of a Carpenter (as man sees him) and has yet to reveal his power. John has proclaimed him as the Lamb of God but that is not front page news yet. So here Jesus is, at the wedding and per mother Mary’s request, he tells the servers to fill the water pots. With water. I don’t know about you but I don’t like watered down drinks. Yet this is the command, with water they are filled. To the brim. By the way a side note, Jesus never gives more than we can handle, to the brim, not more. Maybe we get panicked when we feel full to the brim but it is in these full times that he begins to work miracles. Back to the story, think about the faith of the server that followed Jesus words, dip out water (that’s what went in) and give it to the governor as wine. Now I wonder at what point the water changes, but more importantly at point did the servers change. You never can come to Jesus without change. There’s a phrase used, “but the servants knew”, see there is the change. These servants saw what Jesus did. They knew now that there was something different in Jesus. When we follow Jesus he not only will fill us to the brim but will leave us changed and ready to be used. What if the server argued that water will not work, what if he doubted the miracle. We all can learn more about Jesus as we follow his word.

Knowing God and Seeing God….

download (5)To begin with, knowing God personally is the only way we sinners can be saved. Jesus said, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). After healing a blind beggar, Jesus later searched for him and found him in the temple, and the following conversation took place: “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” asked Jesus. The man said, “Who is he, sir? Tell me so that I may believe in him.” Jesus replied, “You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.” The man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he fell on his knees before Jesus (John 9:35–38). Not only was the beggar given physical sight, but his spiritual eyes were also opened (Eph. 1:18) and he received eternal life. His first response was to worship Jesus publicly where everybody could see him.
Today as we look around we see people putting their faith in everything. What is your faith in?



We all love our name… really we do, that’s is how we have known it was time for dinner growing up! Ha, Even if that name called was not the name on our birth certificates we love that name. All through our life our name is used in applications, and interviews and report cards. Even at Chick-Fl-a they ask us what our name is for the order. We love our names. Luke 16 Jesus tells the Pharisees what he thinks about them and their separated hearts and heads. The “rich” man and Lazarus is as the story is told in Sunday Schools. This “rich” man is not in fact Rich at all, he is currently as when the story was told in hell paying the price for his sin’s. He had a redeemer that paid his sins and was revealed to him in the Old Testament, but this man did not accept this. He trusted in his own works and “fell short of the Glory of God”. Today, he is still paying for his sins. Today he is still, as in Luke 16, asking for someone to tell his living relatives about Christ. Today, we have a name, will we in heaven? Revelations 20:15 “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”

Question: Does God know your name? Why?